Scuba 2000 Regulator Rumble 2023
Hey Divers!
Get ready for an event that's going to make a splash in your diving world!
Scuba 2000 proudly presents our "Regulator Rumble" for 2023 and guess what? You're all invited! Whether you're a seasoned diver or just getting your fins wet, this event has something special for everyone.
For New Divers: Are you about to make your first regulator purchase and feeling a bit overwhelmed? Don't worry, we've got your back. Dive into the world of regulators and test the newest, shiniest models on the market. Feel the differences, compare manufacturers, and check out various price points. It's like speed dating for regulators, and you'll leave with a better idea of your perfect match.
For Avid Divers: We've got a treat for you too! Participate in our Scuba 2000 Regulator Rumble Review. It's like a diving critique, but fun! You get to vote for the ultimate reg based on some seriously cool parameters:
Ease of Breathing: Can your reg keep up when you're doing underwater acrobatics? We're talking swimming forward, looking up, and hanging upside down.
Stay Dry: Let's see which ones keep things dry, even when you're pulling off some fancy maneuvers.
Bubble Deflection: Bubbles are fun, but not when they're in your face. Which reg does the best job of keeping your view bubble-free?
Clearing Ease: We'll test how easy it is to clear your reg, both by exhaling and using the purge button
Comfort Level: How comfy is that mouthpiece? Let's find out if it's all smiles down there.
Venturi Lever and Breathing Adjustment: We'll rate how easy they are to find and use.
So, mark your calendars for October 22nd at 10 am in open water, and from October 23rd to 27th, we'll be diving into the Scuba 2000 dive team pool. It's an event you won't want to miss!
Get ready to dive in, have a blast, and make some bubbly decisions about your gear. See you there, fellow water explorers!